Shigeru Kawai is the official piano of
the Dallas International Piano Competition.

Chaekyung Moon

Chaekyoung Moon pianist in large room

Chaekyung Moon, pianist



Chaekyung Moon, a native of South Korea, is a grand prize winner in the 16th Kyung-Hyang Music Competition, first prize winners in the National Young Artists Piano Competition for six successive years, a first prize winner in the International Piano Duo Association Competition and the Suwon Women’s University Music Competition in Korea. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Yonsei University in Korea, where she studied with Bong-Ae Shin. She earned her Master’s degree and Performer Diploma in Indiana University where she studied with Shigeo Neriki and was a recipient of the György Sebők Scholarship in Piano in 2008-2010. In 2014, she completed her Doctor of Musical Arts degree under the guidance of Nancy Garrett and Elliott Antokoletz at University of Texas-Austin where she was awarded numerous named scholarships, such as William C. Race Endowed Presidential Scholarship, Alamo City Endowed Scholarship, Mary D. Bold Scholarship, and Betty Osborn Biedenharn Endowed Presidential Scholarship. She was also awarded Outstanding DMA Recital in 2012-2013 and Outstanding DMA Lecture-Recital in 2013-14 in University of Texas-Austin. Her scholarly article “Isang Yun’s Piano Music: Fusion of East and West in Twelve-tone and Atonal Contexts” was published in the International Journal of Musicology in May 2015.

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